National, News

Teachers threaten payment committee with lawsuit

By Hou Akot Hou


Teachers in Aweil East County, Northern Bahr El Ghazal have threatened to drag to court the finance committee that has been disbursing money since December.

Some of the teachers revealed to the media on Monday that they had learned that most of the teachers’ salaries were cut without clear reason explicitly told to them.

Nicolas Agany Deng, a teacher at Aweil National Secondary School is among the protesting group.

He said he was taken aback when he learned afterward that the money was cut.

He said they are going to find out more about the reason for cutting their salaries if not they would drag the committee to court.

“We are appealing to the leadership of the high education in Juba being headed by Madam Awut Deng Achuil to sort out the matter,” said Agany.

“A teacher like ones in Grade was given 98,000 SSP and it is not akin to what other teachers in Grade 7 for example are getting. This is weird” He lamented.

Deng Agoth, another protestor also echoed a similar call and said these committees subjected them to cruel treatment and they have contacted the state education officials who pledged to ask them.

Attempts to reach out to the accused committee were futile as they could not pick up the calls to react to the accusations.

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