OpEd, Politics

World’s most needed resource

By Mandela Nelson


In life, humanity always seeks to live in peace to enable the smooth running of their regular activities. Though life does not grant a hundred percent peace to the human race, simply because it is life’s nature to balance the equation by offering ups and downs, hard and soft seasons.

Unfortunately, life’s nightmares are eternal, they are unable to be cured. Everything in life is temporary, whether good or evil, heaven or earth. The regular definition of peace we have known has a pretty revelatory meaning. As it was defined by the custodians of knowledge. Peace is the absence of violence or living in harmony. This means living in harmony with nature, one’s self, and one’s fellow humans.

The world has misunderstood the crystal meaning of pretty peace. The majority believe that peace is the absence of conflict among the human race. For instance, civil wars, gang violence, and tribal violence, among others, which is absolutely false. However, peace is the absence of conflict among the human race, with nature, and with one’s self. Whereby the human race tends to practice nature-harming activities such as deforestation, animal abuse, bush burning, and bombardment, among others. Which would definitely lead to natural disasters that would fuel phenomenal nightmares such as global warming, drought, wildfires, and so forth. This could cause loss of life, displacement, and the wrecking of the environment.

With one’s self. Conflict with your inner being is also a violent storm, which would lead to the capsizing of your boat. For instance, stress, on the one hand, can be dangerous when it becomes prolonged and frequent, causing diabetes and heart attacks, among others. Leading to agony and death. Yet on the other hand, it can be just a normal and healthy response to life’s storms; it inspires and motivates someone, focuses his energy, and enhances performance.

With fellow humans. For instance, civil wars, ethnic wars, invasions, et cetera. Simply due to little or no rule of law, discrimination results in the marginalization of people based on their color, race, and ethnicity, among others. Rather than on individual merit. For example, the Sudan’s second Sudanese civil war. A discriminatory policy of racial and religious separation was used by the Sudan’s central government in Khartoum back in the 19th century, which led to a bloody war between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) from 1983–2005, leading to the deaths of at least 1.5 million, the displacement of millions, and the wrecking of the environment.

The French Revolution A period of radical social and political upheaval in France led to a change that began diplomatically and later turned violently in order to change the ruling system from a monarchy to a democratic republic from 1789–1799 AD. inter-communal violence in society, such as gang violence, tribal violence, revenge violence, and so forth.

However, the great news is that there are remedies on how to build and maintain peace in society, mainly by building and maintaining peace with nature. By practicing and investing in environmental conservation methods such as reforestation, afforestation, and so forth. To reduce the occurrence of possible natural disasters that lead to phenomenal happenings such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, et cetera. Preventing preventable disasters such as flooding, wildfires, drought, and global warming, among others.

The ruling body should criminalize harmful practices against nature such as deforestation, overcrowding, bush burning, poaching, et cetera.

Funding workshops for orienting society about the practices of building and maintaining peace with nature as well as the repercussions of harming nature.

Building and maintaining peace with one’s self. Controlling stress involves practicing physiotherapy regularly, socializing with fellow humans, and reaching out to medical personnel in case it is required.

Building and maintaining peace with our fellow humans. By launching democratic strategies for leading a society in order to ensure equality in service delivery and practicing diplomatic strategies for solving disputes to prevent violence and risk rather than violence.

Implementing the rule of law to ensure that society’s situation comes fully under the control of the ruling body.

Last but not least, humanity needs the basic resource “peace” to enable the running of his life’s regular activities. And for him to achieve that, then he surely needs to build and maintain peace with the following parties: nature, one’s self, and finally, fellow humans.

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