National, News

Lakes State artists elect new chairperson

By Yang Ater Yang


Lakes State artists on Wednesday elected Kuch Mayang Kuch, a.k.a, King Black Shine as their new chairpersons.

King Black Shine was declared the winner by the electoral committee after scooping 179 votes of the 240 votes cast. The closest contender, Gai Mathiang (Dee Vein) got 57 votes, Abraham Wantok (Abraham Square) led from behind by getting only two votes.

Speaking after being declared the winner, King Black Shine expressed his happiness and stated his commitment to working with the artists to take the association forward and build it into a stronger entity in South Sudan.

He also expressed his gratitude to those who attended the event and expressed hope for future leaders.

For his part, Gai Mathiang Gol, who lost the artists’ chairpersonship expressed his appreciation for the support from those who stood with him.

He promised to work together to find the right path for the musicians of Lakes State.

He emphasized the importance of democracy and the need for a winner, even if it means losing hope.

Chol Mayom (Young Fire), who stood for the position of secretary general was declared the winner. He was unopposed.

Executive Director of Rumbek Central County Majok Arop Majok expressed his happiness at the outcome of the election.

He emphasized that it was not bad or good to lose, as it was a chance to lead the artists in Lakes State and that the people of Lakes State were proud of the artists.

Acting Minister of Culture Youth and Sports and Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency in Lakes State, Chol Kuotwel Manhom, congratulated the work well done and highlighted the importance of the peaceful and successful completion of the election process.

He stated that the results heard from the commission were not the results of the security man but rather the votes of the artists who stood up for the day.



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