National, News

Gov’t seeks partners’ support on Humanitarian funding


By Bida Elly David


In light of the escalating Sudanese conflict and the growing number of returnees and refugees seeking safety, the cabinet passed a $1.8billion-dollar budget for the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs to respond to the crisis.

This came after the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Albino Akol presented a staggering figure of 456,456 refugees and returnees who have entered the country as of January of this year.

The minister then requested the budget to tackle the crisis.

Speaking after the first Council of Ministers meeting on Friday, Government spokesperson Michael Makuei informed the media that out of the total arrivals, 85% were South Sudan returnees, while 15% comprised refugees from Sudan and other countries who required immediate emergency support.

This budget would cover transportation costs, shelter, food, and other essential emergency needs for a specified period, he said.

Makuei emphasized that the government alone could not meet this financial requirement and would, therefore, appeal to the international community for support.

“This amount will not be met by the government of South Sudan alone, we will make an appeal to the international community to come in for our support meanwhile on our side we have already started for that matter,” he said.

He also mentioned that the government had already taken preliminary steps to address the crisis.

The influx of people at the 21 entry points from Northern Bahr-Al-Ghazal and Upper Nile was primarily attributed to the ongoing conflict between the Rapid Defense Forces and the Sudanese army.

Minister Makuei noted that the situation worsened after the rapid response forces captured Medani, prompting civilians to flee en masse.

“With the Rapid Support Forces entering Medani, the number of refugees and returnees started to rise. Currently, we are receiving an average of 2,000 people per day,” Makuei stated, predicting a continuous increase in population as the conflict intensifies.

He noted that these individuals were fleeing southwards, towards Blue Nile and Gabar, and emphasized that more people were expected to seek refuge.

Makuei expressed concern about the presence of armed individuals among the arrivals, despite disarmament efforts at the border.

But he clarified that those entering with weapons were disarmed and registered as refugees. South Sudanese individuals were registered and either transported to their respective areas or temporarily accommodated until transportation arrangements were made.

The spokesperson further revealed that refugees were not only coming from Sudan but also from Gambela.

Some refugees from that region had entered the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA), totaling approximately 101,636 returnees, he dded.

Makuei stated that these individuals were welcomed upon arrival.

Last week, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Albino Akol Atak projected that over nine million people would be affected by the humanitarian crisis.

He urged the government and people of goodwill to extend emergency support to alleviate the situation.


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