National, News

Jonglei probes Bor Hospital baby theft

By Charles K Mark


Authorities in Jonglei State are investigating and actively searching for a Nine Days old baby who was reported stolen from Bor Civil Hospital on Friday.

The State Minister of Information in Bor, Elizabeth Nyadak John, confirmed the incident during a phone interview with No. 1 Citizen Newspaper.

According to Minister Nyadak, she witnessed a distressed woman crying on the road while she was returning from her office.

Concerned Nyabak said she approached the woman and inquired about the reason for her distress. The woman then shared the story of her missing baby.

“I was concerned when I saw her crying on the road I went and asked her what is wrong and she told me the story,” Nyadak reported.

Nyadak promptly advised the mother to urgently file a police report regarding the disappearance of her child.

The minister further stated that the police have been working to locate the missing child since Friday.

Despite their efforts, the hospital staff claimed to not know the baby’s whereabouts.

“We asked the Hospital but none of them knew where the baby is and this woman is a widow imagine.”

The mother, Nyancher Makuach, is a widow, which adds to the gravity of the situation.

The events unfolded when Nyancher Makuach left the hospital briefly to fetch water in order to cool the medicine prescribed for her baby.

Within a span of three minutes, she returned to find the blanket and clothes that had covered her baby, but the infant was nowhere to be found.

Jonglei State Police Commissioner, Maj General Elia Costa, confirmed that a search operation is underway to locate the missing child.

He said it is suspected that the abductor entered the hospital ward during midday when the mother had left to fetch water.

Meanwhile, Ayuen Malual Mabak, the grandfather of the child, expressed his trust in the police investigation and their duty to uncover the truth behind the disappearance.

“We opened a case at the police but we have not heard any good information from them so far. We are still waiting. We know the police is doing its best,” he said.

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