National, News

Elections; Crucial to have consensus -Speaker

By Bida Elly David


Speaker of the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly has called on the political parties to reach an agreement on holding elections this year.

Speaking on Monday, Jemma Nunu Kumba said parliamentary engagement with the executive is crucial for achieving peace through democratic elections.

“Right now, reading from the papers, there is no consensus from the parties to go for elections; this needs to be done because we don’t want to have different positions on serious matters like elections,” she said.

The speaker questioned how the government can be legitimized without elections and stressed the need for mechanisms to be put in place.

She urged lawmakers to push political parties to complete the necessary mechanisms for holding elections, as the transitional period is coming to an end.

“As a parliament, we have a strong role to play in bringing peace to this country and engaging with the executive,” she noted.

“Engaging them means we talk to them about peace and the importance of elections. In the absence of elections, what mechanisms are in place to legitimize the government?

She urged the lawmakers to sharpen their tools towards pushing parties to finish some of the pending mechanisms that will guarantee the country’s elections since the transitional period is ending.

“What are the mechanisms that will be put in place when the peace agreement ends without elections, and how will the government be legitimized?” Nunu asked.

Speaker Nunu reiterated that engaging these political parties required critical thinking, discussions, and talking without prejudice.

“We know our role as parliament, and this coming month we are going to finalize the bills we have in our hands and move on,” the speaker assured.

Meanwhile, First Deputy Speaker, Nathaniel Oyet Pierino expressed that the parliament has been actively carrying out its oversight responsibilities and engaging with the executive.

He stressed the need for parties to respect the peace agreement and called on the judiciary to play its role in interpreting laws and addressing critical concerns.

The Deputy Speaker also mentioned that the parliament has taken action on motions aimed at improving the conditions of the people and correcting governance.

Oyet, however, noted that only the executive and the parliament are visible and operational, while the judiciary is not.

“There is one aspect that seems to be missing, and that is the judiciary. We want them to be visible; the legislative and executive arms are always in the news, and on the front page showing the activities and functions they perform, we also need to see the judiciary on the front page,” he echoed.

Oyet emphasized the importance of making the judiciary visible and ensuring that it delivers justice and fulfills its responsibilities as outlined in the agreement.

The Speaker and the First Deputy Speaker highlighted the need for political parties to reach an agreement on elections, the importance of parliamentary engagement, and the necessity of a visible and active judiciary.

Recently, there have been diverging views between the ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Government (SPLM-IG), and the main opposition party, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition (SPLM-IO), regarding the preparations for the upcoming elections.

The ruling party said it was ready for the election at the end of the transitional period but accused the opposition, specifically pointing at the SPLM-IO of obstructing the elections.

However, the opposition party has denied the accusation, stating that they are committed to fair and transparent elections, calling for the implementation of all the requirements for the conduct of the polls.




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