Lakes state, News

Two killed in road ambush

By Yang Ater Yang


Tragedy struck Lakes State on Monday morning when at least two people were killed and two others injured in a road ambush.

The incident occurred between Amonyping and Paloc Payam, near Kuel-Malony.

Lakes State Police spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac confirmed the incident to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper.

“This morning, two people were killed by suspected criminals from Unity State, and two others were wounded” he narrated.

Suspected armed individuals from Unity State are believed to be responsible for the attack.

The victims were traveling to Luel village in Among-piny Payam when they were ambushed and shot by the assailants.

“They fell into an ambush by unidentified criminals from neighboring Panyijar County of Unity State” he continued.

He stated that one of the deceased was a soldier from the SSPDF wounded heroes, and the other was a civilian, while the two injured individuals were also civilians.

“The incident occurred at around 9:00 AM, January 15, 2024. The police are still investigating the case to find the truth about the incident” he reported

The State police spokesperson emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations and cooperation between Lakes State and Unity State, despite the actions of criminal elements.

The police spokesperson also appealed to the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.


“I would want to urge everyone to continue safeguarding the security situation on our common border and counter these criminals,” he added.

Maj. Mabor stressed that once apprehended, the suspects will face courts of law.

“If they are found, they should be arrested from both sides and brought to book for investigation if they are disturbing the stability of our two neighboring communities,” he said.

The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the fragile security situation in South Sudan.

Despite government efforts to foster peace and stability, criminal activity and inter-communal tensions continue to pose significant challenges.


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