News, Northern Bahr el-ghazal

SPLM youth league chairperson fired

By Hou Akot Hou


Sudan People Liberation Movement chairperson of Aweil East County got fired last week, over allegations of playing double standards.

In a letter seen by this outlet, Mangar Mou Anyar was given a number of reasons, enumerated as part of his dismissal.

Mangar is accused of having been a staunch supporter of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) and that he could not serve two in a row.

The letter, written by William Kur Makur, the chairperson of Northern Bahr El Gazal SPLM youth league, alleged that Mangar has been serving SSOA since the time the Unity government began operating.

Youth in Aweil East County unanimously welcomed the move and saying the decision would have been taken long time ago.

“The SPLM youth league chairperson has been working for both camps and it is time he should attend to one camp’s activities” one of the youths, who requested for anonymity, lamented.

Mangar, according to some youths in the county, has been a pivotal, as others describe him a great orator, who should have been served with a warning letter.

“The dismissed man is a talkative, as he could amass supporters on behalf of SPLM in the rally just at the twinkling of an eye” another youth stressed.

The position of SPLM youth league, in Aweil East County is now vacant and people are having a talk of the town as to who would replace the man, many people regard as great speaker, who would amass support for SPLM party.



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