News, Northern Bahr el-ghazal

Police probes four suspects over child’s death  

By Hou Akot Hou


The police in Aweil North County, Northern Bahr El Gazal State is holding four suspects accused of allowing a wall to collapse and kill a child.

Mother of the deceased child, identified as Adut Deng Dot and three men she invited to help her build the wall that collapsed on the child are held for investigation.

The commissioner of Aweil North County, Mr. Kiir Chan Wol told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper via phone that the deceased child is about 3 years old.

According to commissioner, the woman had gone to the market and the builders sat far from the wall while it collapsed on the child.

“The mother went to the market to get food items for the builders, and the men did not pay attention to the kid when it (wall) fell on the child and died instantly” Chan narrated the incident.

He said the child was seated near the under-construction wall which unfortunately collapsed and killed him instantly.

The three men and the woman are now being detained at the county headquarters, Gok-Machar.

“We are interrogating them to find out why they allowed the child to die in such an awkward situation,” he continued.

Chan said the court will decide how to pass the judgment regarding the situation.

Commissioner said such miserable deaths are common and he implores the community to be vigilant, not to leave children alone in the house as fire and other situations can unfold unknowingly.



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