National, News

Troika demands gov’t action as election fears rise

By staff writer


The clock is ticking for South Sudan’s fragile peace, with just 11 months until elections, with the security sector still a tangled mess.

In a scathing statement, the Troika (Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States) delivered a wake-up call to the transitional government, urging action on key promises before the country risks sliding back into violence.

Norwegian Ambassador to South Sudan, H.E Linken Nymann Berryman, , issued the Troika’s biting statement on Thursday at a long-delayed ceasefire monitoring (C TSAMVM) board meeting.

Broken Promises, Bloody Reality.

The Troika’s blunt message laid bare the stark realities facing South Sudan.

It highlighted overdue Reports, including “Nine CTSAMVM reports”, detailing atrocities like sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) by government forces, SSPDF soldiers, lay dormant for months.

Troika also cited the recent clash in Leer County, Unity State allegedly triggered by a general’s defection, painting a worrying picture of ongoing instability and fragile allegiances. This, it noted, raises doubts about genuine commitment.

Election Fears: Furthermore, Troika noted the UN SRSG’s envoy Nicholas Haysom’s stark warning, hanging heavy, that without concrete steps, elections could trigger relapse.

Elections in Peril.

With elections just 11 months away, the Troika warned of a looming “relapse into violence” unless the government takes decisive action.

It underscored that the deployment of the first batch of unified forces, months behind schedule, is a welcome but insufficient step. Questions still linger about the deployment of remaining forces and their command structure.

The people of South Sudan, the statement declared, deserve a “professional, politically neutral security sector” to safeguard the elections.

A call to action.

The Troika’s message is clear and urgent: the transitional government must act now emphasizing that words are no longer enough.

The friends of South Sudan said Concrete action is needed to; Investigate ceasefire violations and hold perpetrators accountable, address the persistent issue of sexual and gender-based violence.

Furthermore urged, expeditious deployment and unification of security forces under neutral command and creating a secure environment for free and fair elections.

The Troika’s statement serves as a wake-up call for South Sudan.

South Sudan stands at a precarious crossroads. The Troika’s statement is a stark reminder that inaction will lead the country down a familiar, tragic path. Only by turning words into action can the transitional government deliver on its promises and secure a lasting peace for its people.

The international community watches with bated breath, hoping that the government heeds the Troika’s call and chooses peace over peril.

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