National, News

Police revamps CCTV cameras at $83,300 to curb crimes

By William Madouk


South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) has spent approximately $83,300 dollars to revamp CCTV cameras, to enhance the system and boost around-the-clock surveillance in a bid to curb crimes.

Surveillance drones and CCTV cameras were installed in the capital, Juba, in 2017, but due to some hiccups, they got spoiled.

But now, the Inspector General of Police, Gen. Atem Marol has taken to refit the system to upend tailing criminals.

The minister of interior, Angelina Teny, said the Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) department is a very vital unit in combating crimes as the number of crimes increases.

“Now everybody in Juba here today should know that everything you are doing, we are watching you; don’t think that you will commit crime in darkness and run scot-free,” said Mrs. Teny.

“If you do something (commit a crime), we will come and arrest you in your house. This ICT is covering the whole of Juba town, and we are going to extend it beyond Juba’s surroundings and states,” she added.

She sternly warned the criminals that your days are numbered as CCTV cameras would help in detecting their vicious activities.

“Do something; you will benefit from it, so that you will not have a bad reputation because you will be arrested,” Teny advised.

Gen. Atem Marol, the IGP, said after being appointed last year, he realized during a courtesy visit that the ICT unit was not operational due to some minor issues that require a budget of over 83,000 dollars.

“I visited this place, and I asked about the camera, and I was told the camera is not working simply because of the 83,300 US dollars,” said Marol.

“Immediately when I went back to my office, I called the director of finance, the major general, and I gave him an order that now I wanted 83,300 US dollars, and in the morning, he came with the money,” he added.

Gen. Marol warned traffic police and CID officers who extorted money from people of harsh punishment, citing that they would be watching their illicit activities against motorists and the public.

IGP vowed to back 15 staff behind the cameras for livelihood and wellbeing; he also mooted a plan to add representatives from traffic, professional standards, and CID.

For his part, the chief communication officer of the ICT department, Col. Michael Alith, said restoring the CCTV cameras after 4 years has helped in the crackdown on night robbers, highway criminals, and crimes in residential areas.

Col. Alith also highlighted some challenges, for instance, the need for reforms to meet international standards.

“Rewriting of the ICT compound due to the long period since 2011 is still needed to stabilize the power system,” he added. “Mobile repeater for any police mission outside Juba.”

Mr. Alith also stated that automated generators with sensors that automatically start when city power blackouts are needed to help the team continue monitoring the city security situation in Juba.

In 2027, President Salva Kiir commissioned surveillance drones and CCTV cameras in 11 locations within the capital, Juba. Under the project named ‘Smart City’ implemented by an Israeli company.

During the launch, Kiir assured all residents of Juba that the city would be secure.

“This is what I said in February 2016 in the parliament: Juba will be secure, and by introducing the programme of Smart City, it will be safe for everyone residing in Juba or visiting Juba,” he said.

“Everybody can be screened everywhere he or she is going. Those who snatch things from the women on the streets can now be traced, so they cannot get away with their crime,” Kiir added.



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