National, News

Deadly clashes leave 20 dead, 34 injured

By Young Ater Yang


At least 20 people were killed and 34 others injured in a clash between youth groups. on Wednesday.

Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac confirmed receiving a report on the bloody inter-communal fight.

According to the police, the incident occurred between armed cattle keepers from Pakam in Rumbek North County, Lakes State and Luac-jang in Tonj East County, Warrap State.

“We received tragic information that cattle keepers from Luac-jang and Pakam clashed in Alor Payam, leading to casualties” Makuac said.

He said that though the current data indicates 20 people being killed and 34 wounded, investigation is ongoing to ascertain the reality.

The Luac-jang youth reportedly migrated to the area two weeks ago and engaged in aggressive behavior, burning temporary shelters and bushes.

The police spokesperson said there were prior warnings, and the state government da sent security forces to avert the tension but unfortunately the fighting erupted.

“This situation was reported to the media previously. Security forces were present, but approaching the armed individuals was difficult due to the remote and inaccessible location of the clash,” he noted.

He further expressed challenges faced by the security in averting the situation adding that they were dealing with people from different states, who might perceive them as enemies.

“Additionally, these individuals are armed, making arrests difficult. Two people attempted to mediate the conflict, but the distance and inaccessibility of the area hindered their efforts” he underlined.

Maj. Makuac urged communities to stop fighting and resolve issues peacefully through dialogue and negotiation.

“The investigation is ongoing, and further information will be communicated. We offer condolences to the families who lost loved ones and urge everyone to stop fighting. We are one people, and violence will not solve our problems. We must find peaceful solutions through dialogue and negotiation,” he appealed.

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