National, News

Yei County receives office equipment

By James Innocent


Agriculture Department of Yei River County in Central Equatoria State recently received office equipment from German government.

The donation was delivered by German Development Agency (GIZ), South Sudan

The office equipment included chairs, tables, three laptops, two printers, a large screen, a projector, shelf drawers, and two cupboards.

Yei County Agriculture Department received the equipment in a ceremony attended by over 60 people, including the Commissioner of Yei River County, Hon Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa, GIZ donor representatives among others.

Commissioner Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa advised the County Agriculture Department to formulate rules and guidelines to ensure that the supplies are properly used, kept, and taken care of to prevent misuse and mismanagement.

He further said the equipment and furniture are to facilitate face-to-face and zoomed meetings that can boost food security activities in Yei River County.

The German Government Representative stressed that the donation is from the deep love and heart of the German people and should be used properly to meet the intended purpose.

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