National, News

Man slays Police officer

By Yang Ater yang


A drunkard in Rumbek Central County of Lakes State stabbed a police officer to death, police authorities say.

Lakes State Police spokesperson, Major Elijah Mabor Makuac said the suspect, who was drunk, stabbed police Sergeant Chol Anyuonic with a knife.

Sergeant Anyuonic reportedly died from his wounds in Rumbek State Hospital after being rushed for medication attention.

“The victim succumbed to death in Rumbek State hospital for the knife wound he sustained and we don’t have any information about that police” said Maj. Makuac.

He confirmed that the suspect is now under police custody undergoing interrogation to understand the motive of his action.

“We are still investigating to find out what bothered them until leading them to the fighting.” Makuac said told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper.

“We were informed that the suspect was the one who was drunk and called the police man for which reason, we are still investigating to find out what bothered them until leading them to the fighting”, he continued.

It is however unclear whether the deceased officer was also drunk when he got into disagreement with the suspect and got stabbed to death.


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