National, News

Make Political Party registration fees affordable-CEPO

By Charles K Mark


A civil society appeals for minimal and affordable political parties’ registration fees to ensure all those eligible participate in the upcoming elections.

Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) made the appeal to the Reconstituted Political Parties Council (PPC), saying the fees should not be an obstacle.

CEPO’s Executive Director, Edmond Yakani, emphasized that registration fees should not hinder the growth of democracy and called for a “lump sum amount” that attracts and supports new parties.

“We urge the fees not to be an obstacle for political parties seeking to register. We want reasonable, affordable fees that allow willing parties to participate in the polls,” he stressed.

Activist Yakani further highlighted the need for registered parties to uphold the 35% affirmative action for women’s representation.

“Any party registering should ensure at least 35% of its structure comprises women,” he stated. “Meaningful participation requires inclusive representation from the very beginning.”

He emphasized that inclusivity should extend beyond gender, encompassing women with disabilities and young women.

“Women are not a monolithic group,” Yakani said. “We must consider women with disabilities and young women to ensure true representation.”

Meanwhile, Political Parties’ Council (PPC), Chairperson, James Akol Zakayo, assured the public that the fee structure will be transparent once finalized.

He cautioned against focusing solely on fees before meeting registration requirements.

“Why discuss fees before fulfilling the requirements? Fees are not the first hurdle. Parties must meet established criteria before fees become relevant,” he cautioned.

Akol clarified that the fees are based on regional benchmarks and not intended to create financial barriers.

“We haven’t set exorbitant fees,” he explained. “The charges are relevant to the party’s size and capabilities. If a party meets the requirements, it should be able to afford the fee.”





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