National, News

Kiir mourns Namibia’s President

By Staff writer


South Sudan President, Salva Kiir Mayardit has joined other leaders in mourning President of Namibia, H.E. Hage Geingob.

In a statement from President’s office, Kiir expressed his heartfelt over the demise of the Namibian leaders.

“President of the Republic of South Sudan, has learnt with great shock and sadness the untimely passing of H.E. Hage Geingob,” the statement reads in part.

Kiir, as Chairperson of the East African Community, also conveyed condolences for late Namibia’s President, who succumbed to an illness on Sunday morning.

On behalf of the people and Government of South Sudan and by extension the leadership of the East African Community (EAC), President Kiir sends his deepest condolences to the people and Government of Namibia on the sudden passing of their leader,” the statement added.

President Kiir describes Geingob as a true statesman, and that his death has robbed Africa of a pan-African icon and one of the most influential anti-colonial liberation heroes, whose political sacrifices brought about freedom to Africa.

Kiir believes that not only is Geingob’s death a big loss to the great people of Namibia but also to the African continent and all those whose lives he touched while in office.

He reiterates that the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the entire East African Community stands in solidarity and united in grieving with the Government of Namibia under the acting President, Nangolo Mbumba.

President Kiir further, urges the East African Community and the people of goodwill to mourn and pray for Geingob’s family, friends, and the great people of Namibia to find strength and solace in remembering his dedication to public service built on the ideals of pan-African leadership.


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