National, News

Lakes State Forms Youth Union election committee

By Yang Ater Yang


Lakes State Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports has established an 11-member electoral committee to oversee upcoming elections for the State Youth Union leadership.

Minister William Koji Kerjok tasked the committee with organizing a democratic and transparent election process.

He directed the committee to mobilize resources for the youth convention and this includes securing funding, logistics, and materials for the election.

Secondly the committee tasked to draft and adopt electoral guidelines, of which the committee will establish clear rules and regulations for candidacy, voting, and campaign conduct.

Thirdly the youth minister entrusted the committee to receive and evaluate applications, meaning the committee will review applications from potential candidates for the youth union leadership positions.

He also directed the electoral committee to spearhead and oversee the electoral process, including organizing the convention, managing voting procedures, and ensuring the legitimacy of the results.

And finally the minister urged the committee to perform other tasks deemed necessary this grants the committee flexibility to address any unforeseen challenges or ensure the smooth running of the election.

Mr. Kerjok emphasized a timeframe of 60 days for the committee to complete all election-related tasks. This underscores the importance of a timely and efficient process.


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