National, News

Activist demands answers on illegally imported ammunitions

By Charles K Mark


Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organisation (CEPO) demands the government explains on the UN’s report of illegal entry of arms.

Edmond Yakani reacted to UNMISS report, through a press statement, on Thursday

He wondered what the government could be thinking of the illegally flown-in cargo of the 16 boxes of ammunitions.

“This is disturbing news. Why this exercise of a flow of arms into the country in this particular moment where the country is expecting a looming election in December 2024?” CEPO’s boss asked.

He insisted and wished to hear an official reaction from the government explaining the meaning of the smuggling of arms and who could be behind it.

Yakani said there is fear that the country is unfolding into deadly violence, with some parts of the country, especially Bahr el Ghazal, already experiencing tensions.

Warrap Communities and their neighboring Abyei Administrative Area, some parts of Budi County, and some counties, such as Duk in Jonglei State, have already experienced high losses of life.

“Who is behind it? Why now, in this particular moment, and while the country is facing violence?” Yakani stated. “We call upon the state to respond, to answer us, and to provide us with an accurate answer as to why this has to happen now.”

No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper reached out to the government spokesperson, Michael Makuei Lueth, for a comment on Wednesday, shortly after the report was released by UNMISS.

The minister said he is unaware of the development and suggested that our reporter reaches out to the authorities concerned, calling it a security matter.

“These are security issues that have nothing to do with me. As long as the ammunition is apprehended, then they must have reported it to the authorities concerned, not me,” Makuei told this outlet on Wednesday.

We have also reached out to the national security authorities, who requested time to consult and verify the reports by the UN Mission of South Sudan (UNMISS).


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