National, News

Judicial Reform Committee mandate extended

By William Madouk 

The mandate of the Ad hoc Judicial Reform Committee (JRC), a body tasked with reforming the face of the judicial system in the country, has been extended for another two months.

The council of ministries on Friday agreed to extend the JRC mandate to enable the body to complete its remaining tasks in the said time frame.

This came after the minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Ruben Madol Arol, requested the cabinet approve an extension.

Addressing the media, minister of information and government spokesman Michael Makuei said the cabinet chaired by President Salva Kiir nodded at the extension of the Judiciary Reform Committee mandate.

“The cabinet listened to a presentation from the Minister of Justice requesting the cabinet approve the extension of the time frame of the Judiciary Review Committee, and it was approved,” said Makuei.

“It is extended for another two months so that they can complete their task within that time frame. In that period, they can make the necessary presentation to the government,” he added.

The JRC committee is formed by the regional body, IGAD, with representatives from parties to the 2018 revitalized peace deal and experts from the East African Committee region to push for reforms in the judicial sector.

The committee was formed almost a year and a half ago to push for reforms through a bottom-up approach.

So far, the JRC committee has visited some states and administrative areas to collect the public’s views on how people should access better and faster justice.

Subsequently, the committee would provide recommendations to the government for implementation.


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