National, News

Midwife encourages child deliveries at Health facilities

By Ijoo Bosco


A midwife at Abara primary health care center in Eastern Equatoria State urges pregnant women to deliver at healthy facilities to reduce maternal mortality and birth complications.

Mrs. Achan Alice David noted a significant increase in women utilizing the center, with turnout rising from 50-60% to over 70-80% compared to previous years.

While praising the improvement, Achan expressed concern about mothers who still choose home deliveries despite attending antenatal care and health talks.

She attributed this partly to distance from the facility.

Additionally, Achan highlighted the importance of male involvement, urging husbands to offer material, financial, and emotional support to their wives during pregnancy and childbirth.

The midwife noted that fortunately, the center she works in has not recorded any maternal deaths, which she attributes to God’s grace and increased awareness.

She encouraged continued visits to the facility with partners for accurate information and decision-making.

Achan also encourages pregnant women to avoid heavy work in early pregnancy, emphasizing the risk of cervical weakness and potential miscarriage.

Additionally, she called for men to join their partners for health checkups.


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