National, News

Construction of Nadapal-Juba highway to resume

By Kidega Livingstone


South Sudan and Kenya resolved to resume the construction of the Vital 350-kilometre Juba-Nadapal Highway Project.

The project had been on hold for a while due to security concerns.

Minister for Roads and Bridges, Simon Mijok Mijak, met with Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Road and Transport, Kipchumba Murkomen over the matter.

Construction of the road connectivity between South Sudan and Kenya is vital for cross-border movement of people, goods and services.

Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Road and Transport said that the road project to connect Juba to Mombasa has advanced and the two countries have agreed to continue.

“That project has advanced and the distance from Nadapal to Juba is 350 kilometers. We have agreed to work together to make sure that Mombasa to Nadapal is connected by tarmac,” Murkomen said.

Murk omen’s comment followed a meeting with his South Sudan counterpart minister of road and bridges, in Kenya on Monday.

“We are already having the indication and support from the World Bank and other development partners who will like to finance this project” the minister added.

He said some of the project has been stopped because of the security issue around Nadapal.

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