National, News

IGAD urges gov’t to implement pending peace tasks

Kidega Livingstone


Inter-Governmental Authority on Development has urged South Sudan to expedite the implementation of all outstanding provisions of the peace agreement.

IGAD Special Envoy to South Sudan, Dr. Ismail Wais raised the concern during a meeting with the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar, on Monday.

According to the Office of the First Vice President, the two leaders discussed the status of the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

Dr. Ismail told the press that he had a constructive engagement with Dr. Riek and welcomed recent positive strides made in the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

He urged the interim unity government to accelerate the implementation of the outstanding tasks in the agreement.

The envoy also urged the government to avail funds for the electoral institutions to enable them to start their work to prepare the country for its first-ever elections.

For his part, FVP Dr. Riek assured the IGAD top diplomat in Juba of his and the SPLM-IO’s commitment to the full implementation of the agreement.




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