Central Equatoria State, News

Yei holds first executive council meeting; focuses on water, education

By James Innocent


Yei River County, located in Central Equatoria State, recently conducted its first executive council meeting for the year 2024, addressing two key memos.

The first memo discussed the endorsement and approval of the Yei Town Water and Sanitation Service (YTWSS) report, which highlighted the performance of water quality data.

The memo was presented by the acting director for the Department of Water and Sanitation Cecilia Moni.

After deliberation, reviewed water tariffs for various services, including water kiosks, installations, connections, commercial connections, and water trucks; and passed water policies.

The second memo, presented by the director of education in Yei River County, Juan Margret Lomora, focused on improving the education standards in the county.

After its deliberation a six-month grace period was granted for private schools to improve their facilities and meet required standards.

Parents were also informed of new fee structures which comprised of 15,000 SSP per child in primary school, and 20,000 SSP per child in secondary school.

A Mandatory termly visit by parents to attend class meetings and assess their children’s performance was also resolved to be implemented.

The Council further resolved to close private schools operating in individual houses. And encouragement was given for community contributions to school welfare and providing guidance on school requirements.

The first sitting of the Yei River County Executive Council in 2024 was a significant milestone.

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