National, News

Activist calls for speedy Phase 2 forces unification

By Charles K Mark


Activist Edmond Yakani urges the interim unity government (R-TGoNU) to speed up the second and last phase of the unified forces, to create confidence and trust for the forthcoming elections.

The Executive Director of Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) made the call following a meeting with the deputy head of mission for the British Embassy in Juba, Beth Kent Mann.

“We had a very fruitful discussion around the importance of having unified forces prior to the elections and issues related to the constitution and the respect of human rights in the country,” he revealed.

Yakani stressed the need to increase open civic and political spaces as a way to achieve a conducive environment that allows actors to have equal space for self-expression.

“Reach out to the citizens and give a chance for citizens to question political actors that have intent to contest in the elections,” he echoed.

It was through this process that the activist believed the perceptions of having peaceful and democratic elections for power transitions would come to light.

“We have also discussed issues related to the importance of having a social contract between political actors and the citizens,” Mr. Yakani highlighted.

CEPO’s boss also wants the principals to arrange for an inclusive meeting through which they will make decisions that will better suit the country and its people before the elections.

He appealed for a no return to violence through the use of credible, acceptable, free, fair, and democratic elections.

The Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC), during its 34th monthly plenary meeting, urged that parties to the revitalized agreement need to dialogue to stop the circle of subnational violence.

Interim Chairperson of RJMEC, Maj. Gen. Charles Tai Gituai, appealed to the principals to break the cycle of violence, underscoring the need for a culture of peace.



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