National, News

Top NAS officers join gov’t

By William Madouk


A high-ranking officer of the National Salvation Front (NAS), led by General Thomas Cirilo, defected from the group to the government.

Operations commander Col. Joseph Lasu Laila, under the command of Lt. Gen. John Kenyi Loburon, said he forsakes rebellion under Gen. Thomas and accepts President Kiir’s call for peace.


“I am here because of the amnesty by President Salva Kiir calling on rebels to put down guns and join the peace wagon, and I am here as an official for peace,” said Laila.

He appealed to those still carrying up arms against the government to voluntarily denounce the spirit of violence and join the government without hesitation, given the prevailing peace in the country.

Col. Laila, 55, stated that his age cannot allow him to be in the army but highlighted that he can work in the police or prison services until his retirement age ticks.

He commended the cordial reception accorded to them by the military and political wings of the government.

“I, Col. Joseph Lasu Laila, do hereby declare that I have resigned from serving within the files and ranks of NAS under the leadership of Gen. Thomas Cirilo and will immediately join the peace wagon under the wise and visionary leadership of H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit,” Laila confirmed to the Gubernatorial Press Unit after their familiarization meeting with the state leadership.

From his part, Governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony said all doors remain open to any holdout groups intending to join the sustained Government’s efforts on peace, reconciliation and dialogue to salvage the suffering of the people.

Besides, he assured the forces of the government’s safety and integration into the ranks and files of the SSPDF.

He disclosed that he is preparing to familiarize their declaration with the top leadership of this country under Gen. Kiir as the supreme commander in chief of all regular forces.

In attendance were the State Minister of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare, Huda Michael, and the State Commissioner General for Insurance and Regulatory Authority, Latio Paul Abbas Ramba.

In June 2023, a top operations commander of the Gen. Thomas Cirilo-led rebel group also broke ranks with the NAS outfit to support the government.

Kennedy Kenyi Abdu, nicknamed Kenyi Warrior, told the Central Equatoria Governor’s Press in Yei that he had renounced rebellion and would pursue the path of making peace with the Juba administration.


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