National, News

Budi to enforce compulsory School attendance

By Jino Wilson


Authorities in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State, are planning to use a recently established Community Policing Task Force (CPTF) to enforce school attendance.

The announcement was made during a launch of back-to-school campaign on Wednesday February 26, 2024.

“We have trained 72 Community Policing Officers who will assist the government and chiefs in maintaining law and order,” said Ajeo Lomitibong, an administrator who presided over the campaign.

“We will send the CPTF into communities to check households where children are not attending school. Those found neglecting their children’s education will be punished” he continued.

Lomitibong expressed concern about the number of school-aged children staying home due to parental neglect.

“Any parent who fails to send their child to school will be forced to pay a fine or face legal penalties,” he warned.

The administrator also mentioned a “top-down approach” to investigate and follow up with parents in their homes.

However, No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper caught up with a resident of Hai Nairobi who wished to remain anonymous, expressed reservations about the use of the CPTF to enforce compulsory school enrolment.

“Some households have five or six children, and sending all of them to school can be difficult,” the resident said.

“I’m not convinced this task force will effectively address the issue of parents not sending their children to school,” the concerned resident added.

It is important to note that the details of the enforcement measures, including the specific penalties for non-compliance, remain unclear.

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