National, News

Land grabbers displace 3,000 in Jebel Lado Payam

By Charles K Mark


Chiefs of Molobor Boma of Jebel Lado Payam, Juba County, said over 3,000 households were displaced by land grabbers who terrorized the area on Tuesday morning.

The area chiefs summoned the county commissioner on Wednesday to witness the situation on the ground, but they say the commissioner did not reach the area where the displaced residents are hiding.

They reported that the armed land gabbers, after destroying their community border fence and burning their shelter, slaughtered a bull and spent the whole night feasting.

“You see that small tree; after they broke the fence, they went under that tree, where they spent the whole night eating their bull,” one of the chiefs said.

According to the chiefs, the mafias have been causing havoc in their area since July last year, when a group of armed people shot at the residents and caused displacement for a good number of them.

The chiefs said they have reported the atrocities to all relevant authorities, including the governor of Central Equatoria State, but no solution has so far surfaced from state authorities.

“They gunned us, the governor did not come, they burned our houses, and he still did not appear. Is this governor for the people or for the land grabbers?” they questioned.

“Now the commissioner has just gone, but we don’t know what will happen to us. Because these people are just preparing themselves from within here,” another of the Molobor chiefs worriedly expressed.

Meanwhile, Chief Benjamin Swaka Loro said he witnessed some cars carrying people in uniform, but later on, the same people changed into casual wear, carrying guns ready to shoot at people.

“There are three vehicles bringing them, so we are wondering, if they start shooting, what will happen? Our children are now in fear in the bush; what is their future?” he asked.

“One person came in a premium car and opened the window and started shooting children, so you wonder? What did we do at Jebel Lado?” Swaka continued.

For his part, Justin Lado Wani, Executive Chief of Jebel Lado, Gore Boma, said the fence they built to prevent land grabbers from encroaching on their area was destroyed under the watch of government forces.

He wondered whether the land grabbers came from outside or whether they conspired with the forces meant to protect the boundaries.

“You see, from here to where that government unit is, it is about 200 meters. But the breakers, how did they continue doing this without the knowledge of those forces?” Lado queried.

The Executive Chief warned that there are people who are just good at destabilizing the peace of others.

“We are still here; maybe when they kill us all, then they will grab the land they want,” he continued. “They will grab and start selling to their own people. But what can we do? As we speak now, they can still come tonight to do the same.”

Wani said they just want the media to reach their message.

“We are scared; maybe these people will return and cause more havoc,” he told journalists at the scene.

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