National, News

Police urged to stay informed, serve with dedication

By Gladys Fred Kole


United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Police Commissioner, Kaustubh Shauma urged the new police graduates to stay informed and dedicated to their service.

Speaking at the ceremony yesterday, Commissioner Shauma emphasized that the journey of learning doesn’t end with graduation.

He encouraged the graduates to seize every opportunity for professional development, skill enhancement, and knowledge acquisition and further underscored the importance of staying informed.

“Stay informed about evolving trends best practices and emerging technologies in policing to remain effective in your roles. And most importantly be ready to serve the people who are trusting you with the sacred responsibility of taking care of their life’s safety and protection,” he highlighted.

The UNMISS police chief praised the graduates for their dedication and lauded the achievement, stating it will significantly contribute to the professionalization of the police force.

“Police profession is a noble calling and to police officers graduating today your entrusted with the sacred duty of upholding the rule of law, protecting the citizens and maintaining peace and stability that’s your role” Commissioner Shauma reminded the cadets.

He however emphasized the need for the government to provide adequate resources for the police force to fulfill its investigative and crime prevention duties effectively.

Mr. Shauma highlighted the importance of a robust accountability mechanism, stating, that the powers of arresting and detentions should come with accountability.

“The delaying justices leaves a gap for individual to become frustrated and take extra legal actions. I must also emphasize that the powers of arresting detentions should come with accountability for which mechanisms should remain robust in terms of clear guidelines and that police leadership remains vigilant” he stated.

Commissioner Shauma reiterated UNMISS’s commitment to strengthening the capacities of the national police service and other justice institutions.

He also assured the graduates of UNMISS’s continued partnership and collaboration in advancing peace, security, and justice in South Sudan.

UNMISS police chief outlined areas of collaboration, including investigations, police station management, crime analysis, and community policing, while building accountability.

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