Lakes state, News

Police officer arrested over shooting spree

By Yang Ater Yang


Authorities in Rumbek Central County, Lakes State have apprehended a police officer, Sergeant Matur Majok Makuer, following the reported shooting of two teenage girls in Dhiei cattle camp on Thursday.

Dut Manaak Akuot the Commissioner of Rumbek Central County confirmed the arrest to No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday.

He stated that Sergeant Makuer allegedly shot and killed a 12-year-old girl and wounded a 13-year-old girl.

The incident reportedly occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Commissioner Akuot further confirmed that Makuer who earlier fled the scene is now in police custody and will be investigated for the shooting.

“We managed to apprehend the policeman who shot the victims for investigation,” Akuot stated.

Meanwhile, the family of the deceased has also requested that the young men who allegedly bit the girls before they fell victims of mistaken identity shooting by the police Sergeant in custody also be apprehended for investigation.

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