National, News

Pibor returns 5 abducted children

By Bida Elly David


Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) handed over five abducted children to the Central Equatoria State (CES) government, last weekend.

The children, who had been missing for an extended period, were reunited with their families after collaboration between the two governments.

This follows an earlier handover in December 2023, where the GPAA, led by Chief Administrator Lokoli Ame Bullen, returned a child abducted by armed Pibor raiders.

“We understand the pain caused by child abduction and the anxieties of parents,” said John Joseph, Deputy Chief Administrator of Pibor, speaking to journalists during the handover of the 5 kids.

“We are committed to ending this practice completely,” he vowed.

He emphasized GPAA’s efforts to combat child abduction and its detrimental impact on the region’s reputation, stating, “We will work to apprehend any individuals involved in this activity.”

Highlighting the close cooperation between the two regions, John added, “We urge the CES government and citizens to report any abduction cases immediately, enabling us to take swift action.”

Sarah Nene, Deputy Governor of Central Equatoria State who received the children, commended the GPAA for facilitating the children’s reunification with their families.

She emphasized the CES government’s commitment to providing security assistance to address child abduction.

“Both administrations are dedicated to reuniting all abducted children with their families,” she concluded, reiterating the call for ongoing collaboration with local authorities to eradicate child abduction.

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