National, News

Dr. Peter Biar’s political ambitions in jeopardy-Analyst

By Charles K Mark


Arrest of Dr. Peter Biar Ajak in the US, on allegations of conspiracy to purchase and illegally export weapons to South Sudan hampers his political ambitions.

Political analyst, James Boboya Edmond asserts that Biar’s actions, leading to his arrest in the US could discredit him from contesting for leadership in the country.

“If these accusations are proven true, it suggests Peter Biar may not be a credible or trustworthy leader,” Boboya observed.

A former activist, Dr. Biar, who turned nemesis to his former party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), could see his political ambitions cut short.

“Having a criminal record in a nation like the US, where the rule of law is upheld, could severely impact his political career,” Boboya stated.

According to the analyst, the SPLM party and its supporters might be celebrating the new development on Dr. Biar, as an opportunity to discredit a strong opponent.

“They’ve been looking for Biar’s weak points, and this could be something they constantly refer to,” he noted.

However, Boboya smells a rat of possible “dirty game” smears being played in Dr. Biar’s quandaries.

“There’s a chance, this is a conspiracy theory, someone trying to frame Biar or even use him for political gain” the analyst presumed.

Alleged RSSP Press Release

Meanwhile, an anonymous press release circulating on social media, purportedly from Revive South Sudan Party (RSSP), led by Biar Ajak, defends the suspect, terming him as “a threat to opponents.”

According to the letter, the arrest is considered an “administrative detention” to finalize investigations before legal proceedings.

The authors expect Biar to be released soon to defend himself in court, saying he is still innocent until proven guilty.

The letter further challenges the accusation, highlighting Biar’s public call for a peaceful transition in South Sudan.

RSSP also urged the public to respect Biar’s “privacy and refrain from spreading rumours”.

Raising concerns about the timing, the letter suggests that the accusation could be politically motivated, especially considering the tense political climate in South Sudan.

They termed the accusations “dubious” as the region already faces weapon proliferation, making illegal purchases from the US unlikely.

However, the potential consequence, when found guilty, one is likely to get up to 20 years of conviction in prison, for violating laws related to weapons and smuggling.

Meanwhile, attempts to reach government spokesperson, Michael Makuei Lueth for comment on the arrest in the US, of a citizen of South Sudan, Dr. Biar, were unsuccessful.

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