Lakes state, News

Police probes four over shooting of girls

By Yang Ater Yang


Authorities in Lakes State have arrested four individuals in connection with the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old girl and the wounding of another 13-year-old girl in a cattle camp last week.

Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac confirmed the further arrest of three suspects in addition to the arrest made against the police officer who allegedly shot the girls.

Makuac, provided an update on the ongoing investigation to No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper.

“In the follow-up report of the incident that occurred in Dhie cattle camp, the police have managed to arrest four suspects” he affirmed.

“One suspect is the police officer alleged to have shot the young girls. The other three young men are accused of abducting the girls and assaulting them in the forest before the police officer intervened” Makuac elaborated.

Makuac stated that all four individuals are currently under detention at Rumbek Central Prison while the investigation progresses.

The state police spokesperson also provided further updates regarding the surviving victim.

“According to the report I received, she is experiencing significant pain. Some allege the perpetrator used harmful charms during the shooting. Despite the pain, she is receiving treatment at the State Hospital and shows signs of improvement” he lamented.

Meanwhile, in related news; one person was reported dead in elopement-related fighting in Cueibek County, Lakes State according to police authorities.

Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac, reported on Tuesday that fighting erupted in Anger village, Duony Payam, Cueibek County, over a young woman’s elopement.

, “We received reports of clashes in Anger village due to an elopement case. Unfortunately, one person, the accused individual who eloped with the girl, sustained severe injuries during the altercation.” Makuac stated.

“The individual was rushed to the Cueibet County hospital but succumbed to the wounds later” he added.

According to state authorities, this is one of the few incidents they have registered in Lakes State, however, they maintained that the overall situation in the state remains calm and normal.


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