Lakes state, News

Two killed, 2 missing in Lakes State Road Ambush

By Yang Ater Yang


At least two people have been killed and two others are missing after a road ambush in Lakes State.

The state police spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac said on Sunday at 4:00 PM a group of bodaboda riders and fish traders fell under attack by unidentified assailants.

“Two of them were killed and two others are still missing,” he said.

The state police spokesperson suspects armed youth from Tonj East county of Warrap State were responsible for the attack

“Police are conducting investigations to determine the whereabouts and whether they are still alive or if they managed to escape,” the police spokesperson said.

He said the suspects in this case are believed to be from the Luanyjang community in Tonj East county, Warrap State.

However, there is no specific identification of an individual from the Luanyjang community at this time. The crime scene is located in Madol Payam, Rumbek North County.

Maj. Makuac explained that bodaboda riders frequently travel from the town to Madol Payam near the river to buy fish and then return.

It was during one of these trips that they were ambushed and shot by the criminals.

He emphasized that this incident does not appear to be related to land disputes or border conflicts. Instead, it is likely the work of road robbers who target people to extort their property and money.

In light of the situation, Maj.  Makuac advised the people of Lakes State to remain calm and assured them that the overall security in the state is good.

He urged everyone to work hard for their own survival, as times are tough.

The police also encouraged fostering positive relationships between states and communities, particularly in border areas, to promote peace and harmony.

He appealed to the communities in diversity to cooperate with security forces to ensure safety and provide them with necessary support to maintain serenity.


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