National, News

Allan’s death probe report ready

By Charles K Mark


A committee tasked to investigate the death of journalist Christopher Allen has released its findings, today.

Late in 2017, Christopher Allen, an American-British freelance journalist, lost his life in South Sudan.

Established by Ministerial Order No. 02/2023 dated October 2, 2023, the committee led by Justice David Charles Ali Bilal, unveil a comprehensive report that sheds light on the incident after months of thorough investigation.

The committee had conducted interviews with eyewitnesses, including civilians and government officials present in the area during the attack.

Additionally, the committee relied on video footage from reliable sources, as well as other evidentiary materials such as images, documents, and both confidential and open-source information. Witnesses were also interviewed in Juba to gather further details.

The United States government had urged the Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) to conduct a thorough investigation into Christopher Allen’s untimely death.

The journalist was killed while reporting on the frontline, covering the conflict between government forces and the then SPLM/A-IO rebels.

Details of the report come in the next publication.


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