National, News

UN Women advocates for inclusivesness

By Bida Elly David


United Nations Women (UN Women) is actively promoting and advocating for the respect of women’s rights in South Sudan across all sectors.

Rukaya Mohammed, the Deputy Country Representative of UN Women, said women in South Sudan still face significant structural barriers hindering their full participation in governance.

She said the UN Women is committed to addressing these barriers and promoting women’s involvement in leadership roles, peacebuilding, and other crucial areas.

“We also believe in ending all violence against women and girls and promoting their economic inclusion and that is why we urge for their inclusion in different areas,’’ she noted

She believes in ending all forms of violence against women and girls and promoting their economic inclusion.

She urge the inclusion of women in various domains to ensure their empowerment.

Rukaya highlighted the global data on women’s leadership participation, revealing a low percentage.

As of January 2024, women’s representation in national parliaments worldwide stood at 26.9%. Additionally, as of March 2024, women held only 23.1% of leadership positions, including cabinet positions and ministry heads, in 26 countries globally.

While in South Sudan specifically, women’s representation in parliament constituted a mere 1%.

“When there are more women in decision making there will be peace, unity, progress, stability and justice in the Country especially in the gender world,’’ he noted

She said increased women’s participation in decision-making processes leads to peace, unity, progress, stability, and justice in the country, particularly in the gender equality realm.

She said the UN Women is readiness to partner with the government to end violence against women and promote their economic empowerment.

Meanwhile, Minister of Peace Building Stephen Par acknowledge the progress made in women’s representation in the government of South Sudan.

He urged women to focus not only on political leadership but also on other areas.

“Let us see beyond the scope of politics, women need more powers than political powers, we need them in all the structures of leadership in South Sudan,’’ he said.

Furthermore, Minister Stephen called on advocates to broaden the scope of women’s participation beyond politics.

He emphasized the need for women to have significant influence and decision-making power in all leadership structures within South Sudan.

He acknowledged that women’s empowerment is an ongoing process, and there is still work to be done to address the shortage of human resource development among South Sudanese women.

The Minister further emphasized the importance of girl child education and leadership empowerment programs, which equip women with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively utilize their power.

Dorothy Drabuga, a women’s advocate, highlighted the urgent need to address challenging issues that impact women, such as land ownership and other responsibilities.


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