News, Warrap

Three killed in Cueibet

By Yang Ater Yang


Three cattle owners were killed on Wednesday in Lakes State by cattle raiders allegedly from Tonj County, Warrap State.
The attack took place at Adong cattle camp in Tiaptiap Payam, Cueibet County.
Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac, confirmed the incident, stating that it was an attempted cattle raid.
He said the incident happened at around 6:00 AM on the 20th of March, 2024, when armed youths from Tonj East County launched an attack on the cattle camp.
However, some of the cattle owners defended their properties and managed to repel the attackers, resulting in the loss of three lives
“So, up to now we are still gathering more information about the incident”, he said.
In a separate incident in Pagor Payam, Cueibet County, a young man beat his brother to death over a dispute concerning a cow.
Maj. Makuac expressed his concerns over the recent incidents but assured that overall security in the state remained stable.
“According to the report, these two brothers clashed over a cow which was sent by the father because the father sent the younger brother to the cattle camp to bring a cow and in the process, the two brothers disagreed with the elder one and then they fought leading to the beating of his younger brother to death,” he said.
The perpetrator fled the scene and remains at large. The police are actively pursuing him in order to bring him to justice.

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