National, News

Prison Service refutes Ayii’s life-threat claims

By Bida Elly David


South Sudan National Prison Service (SSNPS) has refuted allegations made by a prominent business tycoon, Ayii Duang Ayii, regarding threats to his life.

On Wednesday, Ayii claimed that officers from the National Prison Service had posed a risk to his safety.

In response to these allegations, Maj. Gen. Redento Tongun Victorio, the spokesperson for SSNPS, denied any wrongdoing on the part of their officers.

He stated that they had not engaged in any actions that would endanger the life of the businessman.

“We did not storm the hospital, we just sent those forces to stop Ayii from construction, our forces were around the door, they have not entered into the medical wards, Ayii must withdraw his allegation,’’ he said.

Regarding Ayii’s accusation of causing unrest among sick patients at the South Sudan Modern Medical Hospital, Gen. Tongun dismissed the claim, asserting that their officers were stationed at the hospital’s entrance with full knowledge of its purpose.

He clarified that their forces had not entered the medical wards and urged Ayii to withdraw his allegations.

“How can we storm the hospital knowing that at the end of the day it is our place, the people who are in the hospital are our people, the law is with us, why should we storm the hospital,’’ he added.

Gen. Tongun explained that the officers were deployed to the premises to halt ongoing renovations initiated by Ayii without prior consultation with the prison service.

He also pointed out that the individuals within the hospital were under their care, and there was no reason for them to resort to such drastic measures.

Addressing the issue of the land dispute, Gen. Tongun clarified that the partnership agreement between Ayii and the police service, which granted him the title deed in 2006, had expired.

“We had entered into a contract with Ayii for the period of ten years, it was signed on the 28th –of September 2006, and the contract was supposed to end on 28th September,  2016 but there was nothing in terms of renewal,’’ he said.

Gen. Tongun further noted that Ayii’s company had operated on the premises for an additional three years without fulfilling contractual obligations, prompting the prison service to file a case against him in 2020.

“After a lengthened sittings and court hearings totaling to 19 sittings, the high court finally passed a decision on 2nd –December 2021 ordering for the eviction of Southern State for development and investment company limited and payment of arrears.’’

Gen. Tongun emphasized that the partnership agreement stipulated that disputes should be resolved through amicable discussions.

However, due to Ayii’s lack of cooperation over the span of three years, the prison service had no choice but to resort to legal proceedings.

“There is a clause in a partnership agreement that if a dispute arises, people have to sit, and talk amicably but because of the three years and nothing happened, the leadership of SSNPS resort to court,’’ he said.

He stated that Ayii’s claim of ownership over the land holds no weight, as the court is expected to rule in favour of his eviction.

Gen. Tongun asserted that Ayii’s repeated failure to adhere to the law has left him with no recourse, as the legal process has run its course.

Additionally, the prison service is demanding payment of unpaid arrears amounting to SSP 2,700,000 (Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand) for Ayii’s unauthorized use of the land after the contract’s expiration in 2022.


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