National, News

EALA speaker: harness power of parliamentary diplomacy

By Gladys Fred Kole


East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Speaker, Rt. Hon. Joseph Ntakirutimana called for a global focus on conflict prevention, mediation, and peacebuilding across the world.

Rt. Hon Joseph who was addressing a meeting of representatives of Parliaments across the world, in Geneva, Switzerland, said there is a need for parliaments across the world to harness the power of parliamentary diplomacy, to build bridges for peace and understanding, create a secure and prosperous world for all.

The gathering of the 148th IPU Assembly will run from 23-27 March 2024, with hundreds of parliamentarians from around the world in attendance.

The theme of this year’s IPU Assembly is: “Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding” coming at a time when over 56 countries are experiencing armed conflict since 2023 including some in EAC member states.”

According to the report of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the IPU Assembly is expected to provide a much-needed space for parliamentary dialogue and diplomacy at the global, regional and bilateral levels, as a complement to the United Nations and other multilateral forums.

“As part of the broader efforts to address conflicts and promote international security, EALA aims to leverage its position as a regional parliament to prevent polarization and promote dialogue among member states in the region,” said the EALA Speaker, Rt. Hon. Ntakirutimana.

The General Debate of the IPU Assembly is focused on tangible steps to be taken by parliaments in preventing conflicts and foster global peace.

The IPU Assembly is expected to adopt resolutions on how to address the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence, Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity.

Other IPU parliamentary bodies that including its four thematic Standing Committees, the Forum of Women Parliamentarians, the Forum of Young Parliamentarians and the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians are expected to meet during the gathering to address global issue affecting their respective scope of operations across the world.

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