National, News

SPLM dismayed by Lolimo’s behaviour

By Ijoo Bosco


Sudan People’s Liberation Party (SPLM) in Eastern Equatoria state has expressed dismay over a member’s decision to decline a transitional parliamentary position in the state legislative assembly.

Former Kapoeta North County Commissioner, Epone Emmanuel Lolimo, declined to take a parliamentary seat after his appointment.

Siro Silvio, the Assistant Secretary for Culture, Information, and Communication, noted that the party viewed with great dismay the decision taken by Lolimo to turn down the assignment given by the party.

He laments that the party’s disciplinary procedure will only contribute to further indiscipline, particularly since Epone’s resignation letter went viral on various social media platforms, eliciting mixed reactions and causing confusion among the people of Kapoeta North and Eastern Equatoria State.

“According to the SPLM constitution members are supposed to be bound by the constitution and other policies of the party there are procedures to be followed when one is not ready to take an offer on any assignment given for him of her we must always follow party officials processes those who are politically going astray must be subjected into disciplinary procedures,” Silvio added.

In his decline letter, Mr. Lolimo clarified that he does not oppose the decision but rather prefers his previous position.

He also called upon the president to reinstate Simon Lodowong Macharinyang, who was previously removed from his post, noting that Macharinyang had made a significant impact.


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