National, News

Gov’t launches UN Development Goals review

Kidega Livingstone


South Sudan has begun assessing its progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a global effort to tackle poverty, hunger, inequality, and other challenges.

This voluntary national review (VNR) is a first for the country. Its data will be presented to the UN General Assembly in July this year.

Speaking during the launch on Thursday, National Minister of Peace Building Stephen Par Kuol emphasized peace as a top priority for achieving all SDGs.

“The current government is committed to sustainable development, which requires peace, strategic direction, and a focus on economic, social, and environmental well-being,” he said.

Other priorities highlighted by Par Kuol include Rule of Law, combating corruption, effective resource management, human capital development, infrastructure development and environmental sustainability.

Minister Kuol underscored that from eradicating poverty and hunger to promoting equality, quality education and health care, and gender equality, the Suitable Development Goal presents a roadmap for transformative change.

“As we stand at this critical moment in our nation’s history, it’s imperative that we start a course forward that not only addresses immediate needs for our people but also ensures the long-term preparation and wellbeing of future generations,” he stated.

The VNR report, to be presented at the UN General Assembly in July, will address key areas like education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.

Deputy National Minister of Finance Agok Makur Kur also stressed the importance of diversifying the economy beyond oil dependence.

“It’s very important for South Sudan despite having many resources, but we are not using all the resources; we are only reliant on one resource, which is oil, we have to prioritize agriculture” he noted.

He believes the peace agreement will allow citizens to return to their land and focus on agriculture.

The VNR process involves collaboration between government agencies, civil society, and the private sector.

In 2015, the world came together and agreed on seventeen goals: to take the entire world population toward achieving development and to ensure that nobody was left behind.

This process of voluntary national review, or VNR, is being undertaken by most countries across the globe.

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