News, Northern Bahr el-ghazal

Tuberculosis death cases rising in NBGs

By Hou Akot Hou


Health authorities in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State reported a concerning rise in TB deaths, with 34 fatalities attributed to the disease.

The Director General in State Ministry of Health, Aleu Pioth blames incomplete treatment and stigma for the high mortality rate.

He disclosed to media on Wednesday that many patients abandon treatment after feeling better, or due to fear of gossip within their communities.

“People see TB patients being talked about badly, and they stop taking their medication,” Pioth explained.

He emphasized that TB is not hereditary but contagious, urging residents to report suspected cases and complete treatment.

Health director Pioth said most of the patients have been admitted in hospitals such as Majak-Akoon and Nyamlel hospital respectively where the cases of the TB patients are being treated.

“Some people have myths that TB is an inborn or inherited disease from the ancestral parents, and some even go as far as boycotting in marrying girls of other families suspected to be TB group which is a white lie” the state health director dismissed.

He clarified that TB infection is not inheritable but rather it is contractible.

Pioth assured that they are working hard with partners to ensure that those who are spotted to be TB positive are reported and get treated.

International partners like Arkangelo Ali Association are assisting with identification, screening, and treatment of TB patients in Aweil East County.

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