National, News

Primate urges leaders to reflect on peace

By Charles K Mark


Archbishop of Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS), His Grace Primate Justin Badi Aram, calls on South Sudan’s political leaders to use Easter period to reflect on peace.

The head of ECSS church preached about resurrection of Christ as the foundation of Christian faith and the basis of hope for life beyond the grave.

He cited Christ’s first encounter with his disciples, through which he sent a message of peace, and made his first assignment of sending the disciples on a mission for peace.

“He said, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.’ (John 20:21)” Archbishop Badi quoted a scripture line in the Bible.

With reference to the above word of the risen Lord, the Anglican primate said he is obliged to send the followers of Christ Jesus, including the country’s leaders, as ambassadors of peace in South Sudan.

“We are tired of the continued violence, road ambushes, and political and inter-communal killings happening in different parts of the country,” he stressed.

Archbishop Badi encouraged all citizens and faithful to celebrate Easter with love for one another, embrace the spirit of nonviolence, and promote peace.

The Anglican leader challenged the political leaders to politicize dialogue and build consensus on how to take the country peacefully forward.

He, however, conveyed sympathy to the citizens over the relentless hardships as a result of the current social and harsh economic situation.

“We pray and urge the government to pay the salaries of the civil servants and organize forces to minimize the suffering of their families,” the ECSS Primate urged.

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