National, News

Former mayor Kalisto under arrest

By William Madouk


First deputy speaker of the national assembly, Oyet Nathaniel, is demanding the immediate release of former mayor of Juba city, Kalisto Lado, who was allegedly detained by security forces.

According to a statement, Kalisto was arrested on Saturday at around 11:29 pm when a heavily mounted security vehicle trailed and nabbed him while in his car adjacent to his house and took him to an unknown location.

Mr. Oyet lamented how security organs still exercise deleted sections 54 and 55 that give ‘NSS officers a right to arrest without arrest warrant’, adding that the ex-mayor must be released within 24 hours or be taken before a court of law.

“I am calling upon those who have arrested and are detaining the former Lord mayor to respect the due process of law and produce him to the police and court of law within 24 hours,” said Oyet.

MP added that failure to arraign him before a competent court of law would be regarded as illegal detention that attracts punishment.

“Let it also be known to whoever is holding Kalisto that violations of local law is not a privilege and it is contestable in regional and international courts, should the local remedies prove compromised,” the first deputy speaker said.

He disclosed there are reports of gruesome torture of an innocent engineer by some security elements.

“All these are happening in violation of fundamental human rights persons and their civil liberties,”

Kalisto’s former press secretary also confirmed his arrest.

It is not clear why the ex-mayor was detained allegedly by the security.




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