National, News

Unite to overcome economic turmoil- Cardinal

By Charles K Mark


In his Easter message, His Grace, Stephen Cardinal Ameyu Martin Mulla has called for unity among citizens to overcome the economic meltdown.

He acknowledged the hardships experienced by families, businesses, and individuals whose dreams have been shattered during these difficult times.

“The economic crisis has undoubtedly caused great hardship, leaving families struggling to make ends meet, businesses facing uncertainty and dreams shattered in these difficult times,” Cardinal Ameyu said.

Cardinal Ameyu recognized the far-reaching impact of the economic crisis, which has disrupted livelihoods, education, and access to essential services.

He assured the people that they were not alone in facing these trials and extended his solidarity, compassion, prayers, and support.

Highlighting the resilience and resourcefulness of the South Sudanese people, the Cardinal encouraged citizens not to lose hope.

The man of God called on people to draw strength from their rich cultural heritage, strong sense of community, and unwavering faith to confront the challenges posed by the economic turmoil.

Cardinal Ameyu believed that unity is the key to overcoming the crisis.

He called upon the country to come together, share available resources, and support local initiatives that cater to the needs of the most vulnerable.

“By working together, we can find creative solutions, develop alternative economic models and rebuild our communities from the ground up,” he stressed.

As the Head of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Ameyu’s message emphasized the power of unity and collective action in navigating through these challenging times.


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