National, News

Raid leaves 4 dead in Tonj North

By Hou Akot Hou


Authorities in Tonj North County, Warrap State, said four people are reported to have been killed in a cattle-raid incident that unfolded on Sunday at Kongor village.

According to local authorities, the cattle rustlers reportedly attacked the area and went away with dozens of cattle, leaving four people dead in the process, including one attacker.

Tonj North police investigator Col. Anei Dut said the attackers are suspected to have come from Unity State.

He noted that the four young men died in the process of pursuing the looters in an attempt to retrieve the stolen cattle.

The police detective added that the attack caught the locals off-guard as it happened late in the evening.

“We lost young men, namely, Akot Deng Akot, Thiep Dut, and Garang Mathiang, and the other was an attacker whose name is not known,” Col. Anei stated.

He further said they are working with the Unity state authorities to ensure that the culprits are brought to justice.

Attempts to reach the Unity State government have been unsuccessful by press time.

Last month, more than 11 people died due to cattle raiding incidents when the attackers made it away with hundreds of heads of cattle.

Issues of cattle theft have been rising in the states of Warrap, Unity, and Lakes, and it is believed to be fueled by politicians who provide the youth with mechanized weapons despite numerous disarmament exercises being conducted.

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