National, News

Budget delay hinders assembly business-Nunu

Kidega Livingstone


Speaker of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA), Rt. Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba said the delay in getting the allocated budget has derailed the activities of the August House

Speaker Kumba specifically pointed out the delay in obtaining allocated funds from the National Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, which has hindered the smooth functioning of the TNLA.

“Most spending agencies, including the TNLA, haven’t received their budgeted funds on time, hindering our activities,” she stated.

“Only half of the approved budget for the 2022/23 fiscal year was transferred to Parliament’s account. This significantly impacted our ability to function and address challenges, including members’ well-being,” Kumba elaborated.

The delay has had an adverse impact on their ability to carry out essential legislative functions effectively.

She acknowledged the financial burden of the TNLA’s large size (650 members).

Despite these difficulties, Kumba emphasized the TNLA’s achievements in enacting legislation, conducting oversight, capacity building, parliamentary diplomacy, regional and international engagement, infrastructure development, and sports.

“These achievements are largely due to the strong support from President Salva Kiir, who recognizes the critical role of a functioning legislature,” Kumba expressed.

“President Kiir has strived to provide Parliament with the necessary resources, and the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning has also made efforts to address our urgent needs,” she added.

She spoke during the reopening of the parliament yesterday after four months recess.


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