National, News

No extension Elections, a must-Kiir

By Bida Elly David


President Kiir vowed on Wednesday, not to accept another extension of the transitional government, saying there must be an election.

He said this during the resumption of parliament after their 4-month recess since December last year.

Addressing the lawmakers yesterday, the president stated that it was already agreed in the 2022 peace roadmap that there would be elections, saying it should happen.

“The parties to the agreement came together in August 2022 and agreed on the roadmap that will lead to peaceful, free, fair, and credible elections after the transitional period in December 2024,’’ he said.

“This democratic exercise is a critical pillar of the roadmap because it gives the people of South Sudan the opportunity to choose their leaders,” he said.

Furthermore, the head of state also highlighted the need for parties to the agreement to have one voice as the roadmap reaches its deadline, despite the slow progress in implementing some critical pending tasks necessary for a credible election.

He applauded the parties to the agreement for having demonstrated efforts towards accomplishing the most critical provisions within the agreement and advised them to continue with the harmony.

“In the context of using the R-ACRSS, I wish to inform this house that the parties have completed several critical activities,” Kiir stated.

Among the tasks, President Kiir mentioned the deployment of the necessary unified forces and the reconstitution of election-related institutions such as the national election commission, the political parties’ Council, and the national constitutional review commission.

“I urge all the parties to the agreement and those who are outside to embrace a democratic way to resolve any political differences,” the head of state urged.

Nevertheless, Kiir warned politicians against the use of political violence and appealed to them to reach a political consensus through dialogue.

“We must shun the use of political violence in all its forms if we are to make South Sudan a better and more peaceful country,” he stressed.

Kiir emphasized the government’s caution about the security situation in neighbouring Sudan.

“The government is monitoring the security situation closely while trying to bring the warring parties to the negotiating table; the security situation in Sudan also needs great attention,” he said.

Despite the president’s push for elections, there is a political robe being pulled by the ruling SPLM and its main opposition SPLM-IO on the December poll, as the Machar IO demands complete implementation of all provisions of the roadmap for free and fair elections.

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