National, News

Cabinet warns against bush meat

By William Madouk


South Sudan Council of Ministers has warned the public against poaching, citing an increasing demand for bush meat, putting the wildlife at risk of extinction.

This came after a presentation by the Minister of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, Rizik Zakaria, to the cabinet chaired by President Salva Kiir on Friday.

The presentation focused on the results of a wildlife population census survey conducted in the Boma, Badingilo, and Jonglei landscapes.

Michael Makuei Lueth, the national Minister of Information, highlighted that the national reserve parks, which house over five million wildlife animals, are particularly vulnerable to the threat of extinction.

“The survey as it was presented in these three areas was concentrated around white-eared Kobs, Tiang, Mangala, Gazelle, Bohor, Reed, and Buck, and the population as it was assessed was said to be 5,897,373 approximately,” Makuei told journalists.

However, he mentioned that the population these days is killing wildlife for its meat, putting their lives in jeopardy.

“This is to inform the public that killing wildlife is prohibited by law, and if you are arrested or caught killing wildlife or carrying parts of wildlife, you will be arrested; you will be brought to books because this is a violation of the law,” he said.

Makuei explained that wildlife is the most reliable resource if properly protected; ‘it will constitute very big tourism and will just be a source of revenue’ rather than feasting on it for just a day.

“So, people are advised to take care of this wildlife, and instead of killing it, you take care of it, and it will soon be a reliable source of income for all the people,” he noted.

“Even those who are living with this animal population will benefit in their own way because all these tourists who will be going there will definitely be serving them in some way,” Makuei affirmed.

Furthermore, the cabinet directed the minister of wildlife to continue with implementation plans as well as executing passed resolutions, such as stopping the road that passes through Badingilo Park.

Others include the relocation of the military training centre, which is inside Mangala Park, to the Ministry of Wildlife.

Makuei highlighted that Minister Rizik also demanded that people who are living near the park be relocated.

“All these were passed and accepted by the Cabinet, and the Minister is authorized to continue with the implementation, plus the other Ministers concerned, so that we secure our lives for our future and the future of our children,” he concluded.



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