News, Unity State

Cattle thief handed 3-year imprisonment

By Yien Gattuor


A local court in Leer County, Unity State, has sentenced a 32-year-old man to three years imprisonment on Wednesday for stealing two cows.

The court also ordered the man to return the stolen livestock.

“We sentenced the man after he took two cows from Leer town to Koch County two months ago,” said Kuol Kai, head of the local court, in an interview with No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper.

“He also committed crimes against the communities in both Leer and Koch counties” he continued.

Kai emphasized the deterrent effect of the sentence, stating that the local court handed the man an imprisonment sentence after he was found guilty of cattle raiding.

“We don’t want this incident to happen in our community again, and this sentence is a deterrent example to other criminals in our county” the local court judge reiterated.

Meanwhile, the stolen cows were reportedly recovered and returned to their rightful owner in Leer town. An accomplice to the crime also received a three-year prison sentence.

Local authorities reported that the cattle theft occurred in block two of Juong Payam, Leer County with the cows being exchanged at the border of Mayendit and Koch counties.


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