Lakes state

Man commits suicide over unpaid debt

By Bida Elly David


A 35-year-old man reportedly committed suicide in Minkaman town of Lakes State, for being unable to clear a lender’s sum of three million South Sudanese pounds, which he borrowed.

Lakes State police spokesperson, Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, who confirmed the incident to the No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday, said the deceased hanged himself early this week.

“We received the information from the ground that the man, (name withheld), committed suicide in his house at Minkaman by hanging himself to death,” Maj. Mabor told this outlet via phone from Rumbek.

According to the police spokesman, consultation with the deceased’s wife revealed that the deceased initially paid one million South Sudanese pounds as part of the loan but could not manage to complete the rest of the debt.

“According to his wife, all these days he was talking about the demand of money from him by lenders; it was three million; he paid one million, then two million remaining,” Makuac narrated the events.

However, it remains unclear whether the exact cause of the suicide was due to pressure from the lenders that forced him to the brink and took his life.

“What the wife said was that, due to the hard time the late was facing, she was chased alongside the children after a short quarrel, and the lady went; he closed himself inside and hanged himself,” Makuac stated narratives of preliminary findings.

Furthermore, he underscored that the situation would not have intensified if the husband had never expelled his wife from the house, saying it was a final decision taken.

He underlined that the police won’t carry out further investigation now since the family of the late is still in mourning.

“They are still in funeral rites, so we cannot do anything; an investigation will commence after the last funeral rites,” he continued. “To get more information about the incident, we have the name of the owner of the money, but we can’t disclose it now.”


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